ParcelA S-SL


ParcelA S-SL Smart Vending Machine, an all-in-one package management solution, provides frequent travelers, backpackers, entertainment goers, shoppers, students and everyone else a safe place to store their belongings while enjoying their time.

User-independent ParcelA S-SL Smart Vending Machines meet the need for a safe and fully integrated system with simple kiosk management for products and/or goods. Designed with the end user in mind, smart self-storage cabinets create a new, technology-savvy business model for business owners and managers in the following areas:

- Airports, metro and train stations

- Sports fields and stadiums

- Concert halls and theaters

- Palaces of justice, public housing, schools and universities

Individuals or operators with public or semi-public spaces can create a new source of income by investing in ParcelA's new generation smart personal storage vending machines. By installing stand-alone self-storage vending machines for rent in underused areas of their property or business, they can turn these areas into an income-generating “self-storage” service area.

- Steel construction resistant to both corrosion and vandalism

- Compatible with touch screens and comfortable use with fingers

- Ability to work on different screen resolutions

- Possibility to choose the chamber suitable for the package size

- Audible warning and guidance when the hopper lid is opened

- LED lighting inside and outside the chamber

- Separate RGB LEDs for notification purposes in each chamber

Authentication Methods

A user who wants to use ParcelA S-SL Smart Vending Machine has 4 different authentication methods to identify himself to the system.

- Contactless Cards: Identity identification and verification is carried out with contactless cards issued in areas such as offices, companies, pools, business centers.

- SMS Message: Authentication is made with the password sent to the user's mobile phone via SMS message.

- Barcode Reader: Through the barcode printer on the vending machine, a barcode is given to the user during delivery. When the user wants to receive the package, the user authenticates by scanning the barcode with a barcode reader.

- Biometric Verification (Fingerprint): The user first introduces his finger to the system during the submission phase. When he wants to receive it, he verifies his identity by scanning his finger again and collects his deposit.


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